Stuffed Mini Meatloaf

Stuffed Mini Meatloaves not only take the guesswork out of portion size, they cook quicker than a full-size shared meatloaf. Stuffing them takes them to a new level that is only limited to your imagination. My recipe is stuffed with roasted red peppers, mozzarella and spinach. It is delicious any time of the year but makes the perfect “coffin with a rotting corpse” for your Halloween table!

3 pounds ground meat (beef, turkey, pork or meatball mix)
2-3 cloves of garlic finely minced
Jar roasted red bell peppers
8 oz package whole mozzarella, cut into strips
1 pound frozen spinach, thawed and drained
Salt & Pepper
Mini aluminum loaf pans

In a large bowl, combine chopped meat, garlic, salt & pepper. Mix well.
Using a small amount of the chopped meat, line each loaf pan, leaving a cavity for the stuffing.
In the cavity, place a piece of the pepper, mozzarella, and some spinach.
Using a little more of the chopped meat, cover each meatloaf.
With a pastry brush, coat the top of the meatloaf with ketchup.

Place meatloaves on a sheet tray and bake at 325 for 30-35 minutes, or until an internal temperature of 160. Remove from oven and let rest for at least 10 minutes. Remove from loaf pan, and serve.

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