Compound Butters Sweet and Savory

Compound butter is fancy name for softened butter flavored with some extras. The extras can be sweet like cinnamon or savory like garlic and parsley. The techniques is simple and the possible flavor combinations are endless. Pair scones, rolls, pancakes, waffles or cornbread with butters flavored with orange or lemon zest, maple syrup, honey or cinnamon. Pair meat, vegetables, fish and bread with butters mixed with herbs, spices, cheese or citrus zest.

Not only is compound butter easy to make, it looks beautiful. You just roll the softened mixed butter in plastic wrap and refrigerate it. Once it’s completely chilled it can be sliced into rounds of butter. Compound butter can elevate even the simplest of dishes and is perfect on steaks!

Other flavors include Maple-brown sugar, Rosemary & garlic, Sun dried tomato, Garlic & parmesan cheese. Limited only to your imagination!

Here are two different ways to spice up your butter – Cinnamon & Sugar and Garlic & Herb

Cinnamon & Sugar:
1 stick salted butter, softened
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar
1 sheet plastic wrap

Garlic & Herb:
2 sticks salted butter, softened
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 table spoon fresh parsley, chopped finely
1 sheet plastic wrap

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well to combine thoroughly.
Place mixed butter in the middle of the plastic warp. Form into a rough log shape.
Using the plastic, wrap up the butter like a burrito to make into log. Twist the ends to seal.
Refrigerate until firm.

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